Industrial Water Cycle Management

Tightening environmental regulations, coupled with freshwater scarcity concerns in many areas of North America, are placing increased pressure on industrial organizations to reduce resource consumption and find more sustainable ways of managing their wastewater.

At WaterWiseOne, we propose a unique position to help companies across the oil and gas, power, manufacturing, and chemical processing sectors achieve that goal by providing solutions and support at every step of the water cycle management process,  from abstraction and treatment to recycling, reuse and/or discharge.

Our flexible engagement models and O&M service contracts allow us to implement integrated water cycle and wastewater cycle solutions that perfectly align with plant requirements related to usage volumes, water quality, compliance, cost, and uptime.

Transferring water cycle management responsibilities to our team of experts enables our customers to reduce their water footprint by capitalizing on opportunities for conservation and beneficial reuse. Companies also benefit by being able to dedicate more attention and resources to core business functions that directly impact their bottom line.

Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD)

In recent years, an increasing number of industrial companies have deployed Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) processes as a means to comply with stringent effluent limits and alleviate concerns surrounding long-term water supply.

At WaterWiseOne, we have experience implementing, operating, maintaining, and optimizing ZLD systems for customers across North America. We offer a range of ZLD solutions that utilize proprietary technologies that maximize water reuse and minimize makeup demands, such as brine concentrators and brine crystallizers.

WaterWiseOne provides integrated water reuse and recycles solutions that help industrial companies minimize consumption and process makeup.

We offer a wide range of solutions and services, including design and construction of facilities and systems; upgrade, expansion, and optimization of existing assets; and long-term O&M of onsite treatment systems.

By leveraging field-proven best practices, along with our operation and maintenance solutions of treatment technologies, we enable beneficial reuse of industrial water and wastewater (i.e., for facility cooling and boiler feedwater)

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