Top tips to help you be water-wise in and around your home:
- Limit shower time to 4 minutes (try using a timer or playing a 4-minute song)
- Only use the washing machine when full and on eco mode
- Only use the dishwasher when full and on eco mode
- Water your garden for longer but do it less often. This will encourage deeper roots which helps plants become more drought tolerant
- Use mulch on your garden to stop water evaporation by up to 70%
- Put a plugin the sink when washing vegetables
Key water saving rules:

- Hand-held Hose
Water from a hand-held hose must not be used for any purpose (whether or not the use is subject to a permanent water saving rule) at any time unless the hose is:
- Fitted with a trigger nozzle; and
- Leak-free.
- Residential or commercial gardens and lawns
A residential or commercial garden or lawn cannot be watered except with:
- A hand-held hose, bucket or watering can at any time; and
- A watering system between the hours of 6 p.m. – 10 a.m. on any day.
- Public gardens and lawns and playing surfaces
A public garden or lawn area or a playing surface cannot be watered except:
- With a hand-held hose, bucket or watering can at any time;
- With a watering system fitted with a rain or soil moisture sensor between the hours of 6 p.m. – 10 a.m. on any day; and
- In accordance with an approved Water Use Plan.
- Fountains and water features
Water cannot be used in a fountain or a water feature unless the fountain or water feature recirculates the water.
- Cleaning of hard surfaces
Water cannot be used to clean hard surfaces (including, driveways, paths, concrete, tiles, timber decking), except:
- Where cleaning is required as a result of an accident, fire, health hazard, safety hazard, or other emergencies;
- If staining to the surface has developed, and then only once a season;
- In the course of construction or renovation,
And then, only by means of:
- A high-pressure water cleaning device; or
- If such a device is not available, a hand-held hose or a bucket.