We are experts at Integrated Watershed Management and the main objective is to restore ecological balance by harnessing, conserving, and developing degraded natural resources such as soil, vegetative cover, and water.
It is the process of implementing land-use practices and water management practices to protect and improve the quality of the water and other natural resources within a watershed.
Objectives of Watershed Management:-
- Pollution control
- Minimizing over-exploitation of resources
- Water storage, flood control, checking sedimentation
- Wildlife preservation
- Erosion control and prevention of soil
- Recharging groundwater to provide regular water supply
The outcomes of watershed management lead to the prevention of soil run-off, regeneration of natural vegetation, rainwater harvesting, and recharging of the groundwater table.
Our Way Forward
- Build Local Partnerships:The development of local partnerships leads to greater awareness and support from the general public.
- Aware individuals often become more involved in decision-making, protection, and restoration efforts.
- Such involvement builds a sense of community, helps reduce conflicts, and increases commitment to the actions necessary to meet environmental goals.
- Conduct Educational Programs: The degree of public education and participation in the planning process can greatly influence the success of watershed management.
- We involve and educate the public in watershed management,
- The formation of citizen review groups and advisory committees can gain public support from the watershed.